Monday, June 30, 2014

Something I never thought would happen

I never thought it would happen.  I never believed that I could run more than 5.5 miles.  But I DID!  I ran 6.48 miles on Sunday.  I did that .48 somewhat unintentionally.  I had spent a while looking up 6 mile routes in the area, and couldn't decide on one so I mapped out my own, a few times.  I swear I decided on a 6.14 mile route, but when I got home and mapped and logged it again, it was 6.48 miles.  AND I did it in 58:02, an 8:57 average pace.  AND it had three very large hills.

This was a major accomplishment for me.  I keep doing things that I never thought I could do, or that I never thought I'd do again, after surgery.  I'm so proud of myself and so excited to see what else I can accomplish!

After that 6.48 miles, however, my left foot start to ache.  And not in it's normal post-run achy way.  I iced and elevated it, per usual, and did a few feet flexing stretches that normally help, but all day it felt off.  I iced again at night, and then slept.  Monday morning it felt fine and back to normal.  I can't help but wonder what it will feel like after I do 13.1 miles.

I am constantly wondering and worrying if running is making my already bad feet worse.  Having already had a double bunionectomy, the last thing I want to do is have more surgery.  My left foot's bunion has already returned, and I've already consulted two podiatrists who say if the pain returns, surgery must be considered.  So far- the excruciating pain I felt pre-surgery has not come back, but I feel like I'm almost just waiting for its return.  I'm trying to take the right steps for preventing a third or fourth surgery, such as wearing orthotics, stretching my feet properly, icing and elevating every day, and taking a break when I feel my feet aching.  I can only hope that everything stays where it is and that the left foot doesn't cause too much trouble!

Other than worrying about my feet.... my weekend was good.  Friday I shopped and went out to dinner with my mom, brother, and his new girlfriend (ooh lala!) at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Saturday I got my hair done and had golf lessons, and Sunday I went to the beach.   My sister's birthday is on Wednesday, she'll be 28.  In honor of her special day here is our typical conversation on a daily basis:


My lunch from Costa del Sol last week... summer vegetable gazpacho. YUM!

What is your greatest accomplishment (running or not) yet?
-Running 6.48 miles this past weekend!

Have you been faced with a surgery that impacted your training/racing schedule? How did you handle it?

On a scale of 1-10 please rate your weekend as a whole.
-5.  I would have enjoyed some more down time.

Friday, June 27, 2014

WHY do people do this?

Drivers beeping at runners.  I just DO NOT get it.  On my 5 mile run last night I encountered several beepers.  One was my girlfriend, Molly, beeping to wave and say hi.  THREE others, I did not know.  WHY DO THEY DO THIS? Are they beeping to encourage me?  Are they beeping because they think I run funny?  Are they beeping because they think they know me?  Are they trying to hit on me?  Are they beeping to warn me of something chasing me?  WELL STOP!  It's obnoxious to hear beeping and turn my head to try and see who it is, and then get all out of sync.  I wish people would focus on driving, rather than runners and walkers on the side of the road.  

Okay. Now that I got that out of my system:

-During yesterday's run, I decided that I would like everyone on my routes to turn on their sprinklers and place them close to the sidewalk for my convenience.  It was brutally hot and humid- I was lucky enough to encounter three sprinklers turned on and so naturally, I ran through them, and it was amazing. 

-I really need to figure out a water situation for longer runs.

-I'm getting really anxious already for my first 5k race in two weeks, the Red Dress Run for Women in West Hartford, CT.  I knew my anxiety would be bad but I didn't think it'd start this far ahead of races!  I keep reminding myself that this 5k is supposed to be a FUN run, not supposed to stress me out!

What do you think about people who beep at runners/walkers?
-They really drive me nuts, unless it's a friend beeping to say hi.

The one thing you are most excited for this weekend:
-Sleeping in on Sunday

Are you training for a particular race at the time?
-Hartford Half

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tangent Tuesday

A couple of tangents on this here Tuesday:

-Since last Thursday, I've only gotten two runs in.  When I skipped Saturday's run, I was feeling really guilty for not getting the run in, and planned to make it up on Monday, in order to get my miles in.  Sunday came around and even though I was absolutely exhausted, I got 5.25 miles in, and it felt great!  Monday came around and I was planning to do 3 miles after work, but then I took a nap instead (I NEVER NAP... this is how we know I am tired).  When I woke up from my nap, around 5:30, I put on my running clothes and my mom looked at me and said "You are crazy if you're going running right now... you're exhausted. Listen to your body and take a break".  So I did! I put my jammies on, ate a snack, and got into bed at 7:30 pm.  I need to remember that it is OKAY to skip a planned run.  Skipping one run is not going to make or break my finishing a half marathon, and I need to remind myself of that.

-I found the best running shorts ever.  The brand is Hind.  They are lime green and turquoise-ish. I got the pair at Marshall's last week, and tried them out on Sunday, LOVED them, searched for them online to order more, and failed.  Hind's website only has like, 6 clothing items total on it, so I feel lost and confused where to look next.  PLEASE HIND, help me find these shorts.

-For some reason I keep thinking back to last summer when one of my brother's friends saw me running and told my brother he thought I ran funny.  I wonder if I really do run funny?

-I've started watching a TV--> DVD series called Foyle's War.  It's like "The Mentalist" during World War II. You should watch it too!

-I've had a serious twitch in my left eye since Monday morning.  Starting to get old. 

I'm the tiny head peeping through in the back row.
-I'll be getting a 5 mile run in this evening.. I put a few new songs on my running playlist that I'm SUPER excited about.  Including THIS.  WHY are all Pharrell songs so catchy?  Sidenote: I lived in Miami for a brief while and when my girlfriends came to visit we met Pharrell and he was a precious human being.
Smoothie ingredients.  This is one smoothie.  JUST ONE!

-I got a wooden chair and a wicker laundry basket at the Goodwill the other day for a total of $11.79.  I plan to refinish the chair painting it some obscenely bright color, and the wicker basket is now holding throw blankets at my boyfriend's house.  

I think that's all I've got for today!!! Have a great afternoon!

What's going with you on this Tuesday?

What's your favorite song on your running playlist right now?

Have you ever met a celeb? What was he/she like?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hydrating: In the Heat and All the Time!

As of last week, the weather here in Connecticut is officially summer weather.  Hot, humid, sunny, sticky, nasty...  I know I shouldn't be complaining because we had such a brutal winter, but, I really hate the humidity.  Anyway, the weather change has brought up the issue of hydrating before/during/after runs.  It's important to hydrate all the time, not only when it's hot.  Dehydration can be mild to severe, and in severe cases, life-threatening.  It's not a matter to be taken lightly, especially with summer upon us!
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. I do not claim to cure any cause, condition or disease. I do not provide medical aid or nutrition for the purpose of health or disease and claim to be a doctor or dietitian.

Dehydration is simply when your body does not have enough fluids as it should.  Signs of dehydration include, but are not limited to: dizziness, dry lips/mouth/skin, fatigue: mental and physical, darkened urine, lightheadedness, and increased heart rate.  I've always heard that if you feel thirsty, you're already dehydrated.  Therefore, even when you don't feel thirst, you should be consuming fluids to prevent future dehydration.  However, there is also a condition called Hyponatremia, which is over-hydration. This occurs when you drink too much fluid or hydrate with only water, which can flush electrolytes from the body.  Symptoms of Hyponatremia include, but are not limited to: headache, confusion, nausea, fatigue, and muscle weakness.

A general rule of thumb for staying accurately hydrated on a daily basis is to consume 1/2 of your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of fluids.  Example: if you weigh 140 lb.s, you should be consuming around 70 ounces of fluid per day.  This does NOT include if you are exercising!  If you're outside running for an hour and sweating profusely, you must consume more fluids to compensate!  If you want to get really technical, you should calculate your sweat rate.  A simple step by step guide is listed here on the Runner's World website.

Hydrating during runs is also important.  If your run is less than one hour, you can consume water if you like.  Anything over one hour it is necessary to consume fluids.  4-6 ounces of fluids every 20 minutes is recommended (starting after an hour).  Water, electrolyte water, sports drinks... these are all options for hydrating during runs.  It's key to plan how/when you're going to drink during long runs.  You can use a belt with water bottle holder, bring money to purchase a water bottle along your run, plan your route to include passing by your house to refill water, or plant water bottles/sports drinks along your route before you start.  For me, when I get to the point of longer runs, I plan to drop waters/sports drinks off at my friend's houses along my routes.  I don't think a water bottle belt is the best option for me, as I like to have minimal weight added during running.  

**Other than sports drinks and regular water, I LOVE infused water (so does my sister!)  My favorite is just adding cucumbers and mint to a mason jar of filtered tap water.  I'm going to try infusing strawberries and oranges into water this weekend!  Other than remaining super hydrated this weekend, I'll be getting in two runs: my "long" 5 mile run on Saturday, and 3 miles on Sunday.  I'm in search of a good 5 mile route around my neighborhood, so I'll probably drive around and map out some courses later today.

Delicious cuke infused water YUM!
Random Friday Photos:

OBSESSED with this quote... Beyonce kills it all day errrrday
My Friday lunchbox. Not pictured: 24 OZ fruit smoothie for breakfast!
One of my weekday running outfits..  Runner's World started a new series #RUNootd on Instagram/Twitter!

How do you stay hydrated? 
-By drinking at least 1 gallon of water every day (more if it's a running day)

Do you make infused waters? Please tell me your favorite combination:

What are you up to this weekend?  How many miles will you be running this weekend?
-A 6 year old's birthday party.  8 miles total.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

I attended the "Yelp Helps Gala For Good" at The Society Room in Downtown Hartford last night.  It was all about giving back, volunteering at local Hartford groups, and learning about great things Hartford has to offer.  One of the booths was the Hartford Marathon Foundation.  I think I scared the girl working the booth with my enthusiasm and excitement about the Hartford Half.  Regardless, seeing the booth made me want to research the HMF a little bit more.  They're a really cool group that's been around for a while, and they have donated over $5 million to different Hartford area charities.  The HMF offers a variety of training programs, for running, triathlons, and/or swimming and cycling.  They've also got a neat blog that features different types of interviews, events, race recaps, tips, etc. It is a great organization, and I'm thinking about volunteering once in a while for some of their events!  I'm very excited about running in these HMF races:
  • Red Dress Run for Women, Saturday, July 12, Elizabeth Park, West Hartford
  • Riverfront Scramble #3, Thursday, August 21, Hartford Riverfront, Hartford
  • Old Wethersfield 5k & 10k, Sunday, August 24, Old Wethersfield
  • NU Hartford Marathon, Saturday, October 11, Hartford
I'm finding that running is exposing me to a lot of things in Hartford.  For example- the Riverfront Scramble series is a series of 5k's throughout the summer, along the Hartford Riverfront, which I barely knew existed.  They have paths and trails near the water in both Hartford and East Hartford.  It's cool to discover new things in a city that I've lived in for 12 years!  It's really making me love this area even more than I already did!

I carried my phone with me for the first time possibly ever on a run on Wednesday.  I was running in the South End of Hartford, and I just felt nervous for some reason, so I took it with me.  I found it quite annoying, actually, because it's big and bulky and I don't like carrying anything in my hand.  It was nice to see my splits though, and the MapMyRun app connects to my iTunes, so I can choose songs for whatever pace I'm running.  I also stopped to take a photo on my run (see below).  I'll probably not carry my phone with me again, any time soon.

Here is a recap of my week in photos:
I stared at these 2 pillows for 30 minutes before finally deciding on the left pillow.
Had this awesome salad on Wednesday... a crab cake on top!
New socks! They're thick, plush, and awesome colored, just how I like them!
I ran across a bridge and had to pause to take a photo. 
Rachael and I at the Yelp Helps Gala For Good! Raisin' the roof
My MapyMyRun summary from Wednesday's run!
That's all for today! 

What's on your weekend agenda?

What is the race you're most excited about running?

What do you like most about where you live? Do you find that you're constantly learning new things about your city?

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Start Of Week 4 Already?

I think the title of this post really says it all.  I can't believe I'm already entering week 4 of my 20 week training schedule.  Time has just flown by.  I had two of my best runs over the weekend and I'm feeling exceptionally proud of myself!
Post-5 mile sitting on my floor session

After a really, really hectic week, my Saturday day-time plans got cancelled last minute, and I seriously was so thankful.  I ended up just putzing around with the boyfriend and it was great!  Because I did have plans that were supposed to last all day, I had intended to get my "long" run, 5 miles, in on Sunday and move everything back a day.  However, I was able to get the 5 miles in on Saturday afternoon around 2:30 pm.  Very, very poor timing on my part, as it was ~80 and huuuumid.  Lesson learned.  Other than that, I felt great while running.  My feet did not ache, I was totally in the zone, and I was at about a 9:00 mile the whole time.
Breakfast at my boy's and my favorite spot!
Sunday morning was the proudest moment I have had so far in my half marathon training.  There is a 3.1 mile route that I run frequently, because it's straight, flat, and starts at the intersection next to my house, so it's convenient.  My fastest time on this course was 28:04, which I was very comfortable with.  Sunday, when I ran this course, I got to the end and looked at my watch and was flabbergasted.  Sunday morning, I ran that 3.1 course in 26:36, and I didn't feel like I was pushing myself at all.  I truly almost started to cry.  It just felt so great to know that all the running and exercising that I'm doing is actually paying off.
Awesome watch tan line!
 I feel better than ever, I notice awesome changes in my body, and I love having a goal and something to work towards.  

Being a five year old

Sunday evening, after doing 8.1 miles in two days (another proud moment for me), my feet were sore, swollen, and just didn't feel good overall.  I was very happy to have Monday as my "off" day for the week.  Other than those two awesome runs, over the weekend I went to the New Britain Rock Cats baseball game on Saturday night with my parents, did a ton of errands and laundry, celebrated Father's Day, and finally, got some much needed lounge time in.

PS- I'm down to #984 on the iRun4 wait list.  I have a feeling I'll be matched by the time the Hartford Half rolls around :) 

What was the highlight of your weekend?

Have you ever had a so-proud-you-could-cry moment?  What caused it?

Are you currently training for a race? What's the next race you're signed up for?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weighed Down

Seriously... I have not stopped doing stuff all week.  I cannot remember the last time I went home after work and just sat and did nothing.  I have been making plans and have been on the go for the past three weeks and it's hitting me hard today.  I feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and like I just need a few days to mellow out, put my feet up, and rest.  Unfortunately, that isn't going to happen any time soon, as I have events and/or plans tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday day AND night!, and Sunday is fathers' day.  No end in sight.  I've still been running on schedule and getting all my workouts in, but I feel like I'm squeezing them in where I can, and not making them a main priority, which I should be.

Here are a few photos from my weeks of busy-ness in case you care:
This is the house I lived in when I went to ECSU in Willimantic, CT. It was nicknamed "The Mansion"
Salad and a Blue Moon for dinner on Tuesday
MEOW! My sister, myself, and Rachael at the Yelp Helps Pets People Party
Okay.. back to running.  I ran last night in my alternate shoes, which I try to do once a week, and I decided that I hate them.  My normal shoes are Brooks Puredrift, and they're so lightweight and "the next best thing to naked feet".  So true.  My alternate shoes are not a lightweight model, and every time I run in them, I regret wearing them and get really mad at myself.  I feel like I'm weighing myself down in them and not putting my best foot forward... ha! Get it?  So anyways, I'm going to grab myself some new shoes this weekend.  I'm also looking into purchasing a new watch, seeing as the one I wear during runs is ripping at the edges and is probably from 1988.  Also this weekend will be my first "long" run Saturday of my training plan.  Even though it is only 5 miles this weekend, I'm excited and a little nervous!  I still need to figure out what route I want to run.

Do you run in two pairs of shoes? Are they similar in style or to they differ greatly?

How do you make time to relax and rejuvenate? Do you ever feel like you just want to quit everything?

Any suggestions for a watch/running device that does not break the bank and is easy to use?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Exhaustion

I need a weekend to recover from this weekend.  Full force exhaustion has set in.  And I dislike Mondays.

My siblings and I planned a surprise 30th anniversary party for my parents, in addition to surprising them with my sister (who lives far, far away in Baton Rouge and hadn't been home to visit in months).  We had an elaborate plan to use my surprise sister as the decoy and distraction while my brother and I set up and cook for the party.  Well.... sister's flight got delayed by 14 hours- she ended up getting in 5 hours before the party thus not being able to distract parents, and in turn we had to tell them about the party. 
Found this photo of my siblings and I from ~20 years ago

They were still surprised, and definitely cried, so happy to have all their children and friends in one place.  It was a great night and so fun, but I'm kinda glad it's over- it was causing me SO much stress!

Friday night after work, I was doing parent's party prep at my boyfriend's house in Hartford, and while cupcakes (that were blue) were in the oven I got a 3 mile run in.  While I like running in Hartford because of the flat terrain, I dislike running in Hartford because of the passerby's.  All of the whistling and hollering and beeping... is really, really obnoxious and makes me feel uncomfortable.  Although there were some folks sitting in the parking lot of a golf course drinking some beers and they cheered me on and clapped for me, which was awesome.  Yesterday, I did 4.5 miles. 
Post-super-humid-nasty-gross run
Both days were hot and humid, and I noticed that I have a very difficult time maintaining a steady breathing pattern when it's humid.  During yesterday's run I really focused on breathing techniques, because I know the humidity is just beginning for the summer.

Something exciting happened this weekend!  I won a contest.  But not just any contest.  iRun4 was holding a "guess when the 20,000th member will join" contest, where participants had to guess the date and time (to the minute) of when the 20,000th runner or buddy would join the group.  I guessed June 6th at 3:27 pm... AND I WON!  I couldn't believe it.  I'll be getting some awesome swag, like signed books and a free entry to a race!  AND I've moved down to #1162 on the wait list.

And a few random things: I attended a Yelp party yesterday at Hartford Prints and made fun pet-themed crafts; I've decided to try and go this whole week without eating bread; and I think it's time to get some new running shorts and tanks for the warm weather.
Crafting at Hartford Prints!

Do you follow a specific breathing pattern? Any tips for breathing in humid weather?

The best part of your weekend was __________.

When you shop for running gear, what are your go-to pieces? Where do you shop?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Snacking & Running

I am a compulsive snacker.  I don't know when or how it started, but it's progressively getting worse.  Anything I can get my hands on.  I pride myself on being a pretty healthy eater, so in all honesty, my compulsive snacking is not so much of a bad thing as it is annoying.  I would say, on an average day, I get up 6 times to go to my lunch box in my office kitchen.  My office is the furthest one from our communal kitchen, therefore everyone sees me walking to the fridge. 
My Graze Nibblebox!
My favorite snack of all times are chips
.  Any and all chips: tortilla chips, corn chips, potato chips, veggie chips, pita chips, chocolate chips... I love them all.  So much so, that the first word I ever learned how to spell was "chips".  My other go to snacks include: apples with PB, my awesome homemade granola bars, strawberries, clementines, carrot sticks, grapes, almonds (any of these flavors in particular) and yogurt covered raisins or pretzels.  I also get a Graze box every month ($6/box) filled with different snacks- it's a fun way to try out different things that I'd be skeptical to buy in a large size.  You can use my friendcode to receive your first & fifth Graze box fo' free!

Tasty fruit platter snack

I try to plan my snacks so that I don't have any within an hour before my run (hurts my tummy too much).  I also try to plan any snacks post-workout to include protein of some sort, even if it's just peanut butter.

I've been reading a lot about fueling during runs, and don't really know much about the topic.  Because my stomach hurts if I eat before I run I'm really skeptical about "eating" and fueling during longer runs.  I'm on a quest for more information on the topic and opinions about the best fuel.

PS- My kickball team lost last night... badly.  Our pitcher's nickname is Snacks... how fitting for this post! 
Here is my team! We love each other.

PPS- It's National Donut Day! 

What do you recommend for fuel during runs? Any advice to someone whose never eaten during a run before?

Are you a snacker or more of a meal eater? What is your all time favorite snack?

Do you have a cool nickname like "Snacks" does?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National Running Day

Happy National Running Day to all!

To celebrate this awesome day, I'll be doing a quick three mile run after work... it's all I've got time for today!  From my office window (I'm on my lunch break) the weather looks magnificent, so hopefully it holds up the rest of the day.  Here are some fun ways to celebrate National Running Day:

~Sign up for a race- as you may know, I'm registered for the Hartford Half.  Today I also signed up for the Hartford Scramble Series
~Treat yourself to new running shoes- I'll be doing that in a week or so
~Join iRun4 and dedicate all of your runs to a special coach
~Grab a friend, family member, or pet, and go for a nice evening run 
~Make a new running playlist
That's all... keeping it short today.  Enjoy your Wednesday!
What are you doing to celebrate National Running Day?  Have you celebrated in the past?

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Chaos That Was My Weekend

I have a tendency to go to bed at insanely early hours on Sunday nights.  Like... two weeks ago, I was tucked in and sound asleep by 6:30 pm.  Last night was no exception, in bed and lights out at 8:30.  I had a pretty exhausting weekend, and several events in the past few days made me really wish I carried my cell phone with me while I run.

I decided to get my Saturday 4 mile run in on Friday night because of weekend confusion.  The sun was shining and I set out on my run around 5:15.  Around 5:20, rain clouds moved in and it began to sprinkle.  Like, one drop every 20 seconds- not bad.  I got to the end of mile 3, and it was sprinkling a little harder.  Mile 3 is right near my boyfriend's parents' house, and his mother was outside and asked if I wanted a ride; I declined and claimed "a little rain never hurt anyone!".  A few minutes later.... downpour.  I mean, torrential rain- lightning, thunder, painful raindrops.  I stopped my watch and huddled under a low tree for about 5 minutes, and contemplated what to do in this situation.  I wished I had carried my cell phone so I could have called someone for a ride.  I decided that I just needed to book it home, so I started my watch and ran really fast home.  When I walked in the front door, sopping wet... my mom was grabbing her keys to drive and come find me.  I'm trying to tell myself that it was "refreshing" and that "I liked it"... but it was no fun!!  I spent the rest of the night lounging, doing laundry, and trying to warm up from my rain run!

Saturday I headed to the southern part of CT for my friend Nicole's daughter's (Skylar) dance recital- whose aunt is Daniella- she and I got to chat about races and runs...
Me, Nicole, Skylar, & Jenn
Daniella might be convincing me to do the Princess Run at Disney!  It was nice to see her and catch up about our goals and stuff.  I then continued my tour of southern CT and went to visit one of my college roommates and a couple of her friends for the night.

Golf lesson dorky-ness
Sunday morning I came back to Wethersfield nice and early.  My mom and I had our first golf lesson in the afternoon, so I wanted to make sure I was ready for it.  We both panicked about what to wear, contemplated rushing over to Golfer's Warehouse to find new outfits, but then decided that we were dressed fine.  Our lesson was sooo fun!  Obviously we are not ready for the LPGA tour yet but we both did fairly well.  

After our lesson and a few errands, I got dressed and headed out for my Sunday 3 mile run.  I was around 2.5 miles when I saw an adorable dog running through a busy intersection.  People were driving around the dog and someone even beeped at it and that made me mad.  I ran across the street and got the dog to come to me, found that it had only one tag, with his name, 'Blackie', and a telephone number (which was a Florida number...).  I sat there awkwardly for a few minutes and wished I had my cell phone with my so I could have called the number listed, but finally I saw a young kid on a phone so I asked to use it.  He was definitely creeped out by me- haha.  No one answered the phone at that number, so I thanked the kid and continued to awkwardly sit with the dog (who didn't have a leash on by the way).  Not seeing anyone looking for the dog, I scooped him up and we trekked the 3/4 mile to my house (he was kind of heavy by the end and he definitely peed on me... twice).  I rang the doorbell and my mom looked at me like "ummm explain".  I called my friend who is a police officer, and he told me to call the non emergency line and they'd send someone over. 
Blackie. Isn't he a cutie?
The officer arrived and took Blackie and said he'd drive to the dog park in town and see if anyone was looking for the dog, and if not, take him to the pound.  My mom and I said if no one claims him we would adopt him.  About 45 minutes later the officer came back to my house and let us know that he found the owner, a guy who actually lives on our street, who had just gotten the dog from his late mother in law.  I'm happy Blackie got home safely, but I secretly wish I could have kept him.

Overall... it was a crazy weekend, with two very unusual runs.  As I write this, I'm eating a Lara Bar.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Also... I'm #1314 on the iRun4 wait list!! Moving up so quickly! Have a great Monday everyone.

Do you carry your cell phone while you run? The craziest thing that's happened to you while on a run is _________.

Have you tried a Lara Bar? Please explain your feelings about them.

Did you have a good weekend?